Do you want to be on this list as well? Please e-mail me your name, city, country, e-mailaddress, story about yourself and a photo to rem@ipimuu.org. You will be added to the information e-maillist as well. Unless you don't want to.

01. Kirsten Verdel
City: Rotterdam
Country: Netherlands
E-mail: rem@ipimuu.org

About me: Hi, my name is Kirsten and I am organizing this thing. I live in a cube in Rotterdam and I study Public Administration at the Erasmus University. I also work fulltime, at the helpdesk of internet provider XS4ALL. And I'm a big R.E.M. fan as you might have noticed. My favorite songs are These Days and Try Not To Breathe. I think. :)

Other music I like: Shelter, Waltari, Sick Of It All, Gunshot, Meat Loaf, Thumb... (yes, weird variety, I know). I also love watching movies. Some of my favorites are Fight Club, Truman Show, A.I., Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovich, Man On The Moon (those two NOT because of JMS!), etc.
Oh, and I'm a trekkie :)

02. Rhiannon Elward
City: Cardiff
Country: Wales
E-mail: rhiannonelward@hotmail.com

About me: Um, I'm not very good at writing about myself but here goes anyway. I'm a philosophy student at Cardiff University but I also work part time for a supermarket. Other bands that I really like are Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Live and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Um, I fell in love with REM after hearing their performance on Later with Jools Holland in 1998 which changed my life, it was amazing and my mother and I began collecting their back catalogue immediately. My favourite REM song (well, most days anyway) is Find The River and the worst song they have ever written is The Wrong Child. I've seen REM live 3 times so far, 4 if you count standing outside a 10 foot wall during the South Africa Freedom Day concert in Trafalgar Square.

03. Klemens Edler
City: Kirchberg
Country: Austria
E-mail: edla@gmx.net

About me: A short story about who you are: Student (m/25), fan for four years

04. Steven Stegeman
City: Rekken
Country: Netherlands
E-mail: stevenrem@yahoo.com

About me: I am a fan since Out Of Time, I was only 10 years old by that time. I had tickets for the Monster tour but the concerts in Holland were cancelled twice. So then I started buying and collecting everything from R.E.M. In 1999 I had the chance to see the guys for the first time in Oberhausen. In 2001 I saw them at the free concert in Koln, it was the best show I've seen until now. I also had a meet and greet with the band in Utrecht 2003 and saw the following 2003 concerts: Utrecht, Amsterdam, Wiesbaden, Vienne, Paleo Festival Nyon. Now I want to go to the USA for a concert. So if you can help me with that or want to go with me please e-mail me!

05. John Cummins
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
E-mail: johnhcummins@hotmail.com

About me: Well let's see... I'm a 22 year old student/bartender from Dublin who likes travelling. I'm studying for a degree in business management at the moment and I'm currently praying that I won't be outbid on eBay for a lovely digital camera!

06. Angela Slater
City: Birmingham
Country: England
E-mail: angelaslater@blueyonder.co.uk

About me: Well, I’ve been into rem since I can remember. I remember seeing the unplugged on MTV in 1991 (I was 11 then) and being completely mesmerized by it. I then realised that all those songs on the radio that had made me sit up and listen were by them too. I have a vague recollection that certain songs, especially from Fables and Green were played to me when I was very young. I don’t know who by, but I would like to shake their hand! So I guess you could say I was into REM before I knew it! I have had a long and growing love affair with them since then.

I developed a passion for film at University which has also increased over the past few years. That is why, if I come on this trip (I have already put some money aside) then I would love to make a documentary about our experiences on the road, and talk to people about their reasons for doing it (the obvious and not so obvious ones).

If you want to know any more, then check out my profile on Murmurs (acslater) or send me an e-mail.

07. Tim Tompkins
City: Boston
Country: USA
E-mail: EclipseNT@hotmail.com

About me: I'm a 20 yr old R.E.M. fan. I have been a fan since I was 9 years old. The last time I saw them was on the monster tour so it has almost been eight years now. I have tickets to see them when they come to boston for the current tour. I am a college student at Northshore Community College. I am studying to get my degree in Marketing. My favorite song is I'll take the Rain, Favorite album is Up or Reveal (although New Adventures in Hi-Fi is up their). The song I feel is the worst in their catalogue would probably either be airport man or star me kitten. That's me! On the photo I'm the one with the white shirt and blond hair.

08. Luca Ritucci
City: Novara
Country: Italy
E-mail: lucaritucci@tin.it

About me: Hi I'm Luca and I'm the best singer in the world. I'm WAY better than Michael. Just ask Kirsten, she'll tell you! I've met Mike (see photo) in Nyon after we sneaked backstage (muhaha) (we passed 2309394 security people). However, I wasn't able to kill and hide Michael and take his place. Maybe better luck next time. :)

09. Andy Palf
City: Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
E-mail: andy_palf@hotmail.com

About me: Hmmm, I guess I'm a fan who wants to see his first REM show with other fans...maybe I should write more...

10. Mark Donnelly
City: Strabane
Country: Northern Ireland
E-mail: pearldrums@hotmail.com

About me: I'm terrible at writing about myself but here goes...I'm 20 years old, and I'm on only child (which means I don't have any siblings stealing any of my REM cd''s ) I'm currently doing a combined degree in music and music technology....I work as a sound engineer in my spare time and have so far managed to work with the likes of Gomez, Supergrass, Ash, Divine Comedy, Billy Bragg,JJ72 and a couple of others..I play drums in a few bands myself, one of which is releasing a CD next month so it's exciting times. I've been into REM since I was 8.Green was the first album I ever bought. favourite song of all time is losing my religion and favourite album would have to be Document...Other bands I really like include Queen, Manic Street Preachers,The Verve and the Waterboys.

11. Leah
City: Holon
Country: Israel
E-mail: merimos@zahav.net.il

About me: I don't know what to say about myself...=) Just next year will be my first as a university student and I'm planning to travel to the west sometime in the near future(and stay there for years) and apparently all by myself. I fell in love with REM around 97-98, I was just a kid then,and I really have to see them again...

12. Gianluca Catucci
City: Torino
Country: Italy
E-mail: sumgian@hotmail.com

About me: Hi! My name's Gianluca, I live in Torino, Italy and i am 20 years old. I am an international affairs student at the University of Torino and I am a real big fan of R.E.M. Actually my mom put me to listen to them ever since i was 5 and so far my addiction to their music has only grown bigger and bigger!! I saw the guys playing in Padova last week and the show was great, I wish i could have seen a thousand of those! My favorite songs are country feedback and cuyahoga and my favorite albums are new adventures and reckoning! Hope to see all of you next year! CIAO!

13. Barbara Bartolini
City: Bergamo
Country: Italy
E-mail: barbara78it@yahoo.it

About me: Born on 2 January 1978 (not a good day to be born, everybody is still drunk or tired for new year's party, or anyway on Xmas holyday and so everybody forgets your birthday!). I've studied biology at University of Pavia and now I'm attending a PhD in biochemistry. I like travelling, reading, sports, cinema and cooking. And music of course! Dreams, they complicate/complement my life.

14. Michael Ferry
City: Strabane
Country: Northern Ireland
E-mail: stillill60@hotmail.com

About me: Well it all began one typically cold Irish Winter night in late 1975......no I don't think you want me to go that far back and to be honest neither do I! I'm 26 years old fast approaching 27 and after years of toiling my body and sapping my soul in the local textile industries I decided to get a life and return to college. I'm almost finished a degree in Media Studies which will hopefully get me there from here. (oh don't kick me off the bus just yet!) I'll will be completely finished by the time the next European tour begins so travelling across Europe catching the best band in the world nightly sounds like an adventure indeed, especially as music would hopefully be the field inwhich I'd like to have some kind of career. I've been an R.E.M. fan since Michael Stipe had long hair. My favourite album is impossible to pick but gun to my head (ahem) I'd say Green as it always reminds me of an uncompicated summer. Favourite song has always been Country Feedback even upon hearing it for the first time in 1991 when Out of Time was just released, it's ability to take me somewhere else has not faded with time. I'm so glad they performed it in Dublin again on this tour. I'm a huge music fan though I have lost some weight. My favourite band ever is The Smiths (the greatest excuse for a band ever apart from the Pistols), I still stalk Morrissey as I did at 15 when he tours. I love Bob Dylan, particularly his mid-70s period, The Pixies, Tom Waits, Billy Bragg, Natalie Merchant and I'm really excited by Eels, the new record is great, A Sleepy Jackson and Catpower, eventhough I saw her live recently and she was terrible - I forgive her because You Are Free is such a wonderful record. Well that's me as of 4.30pm August 1st 2003, tomorrow who knows. Hope this next tour plan works out and I see you all on the bus!! Fingers crossed.

15. Karen Stephanie Melo
City: Sao Paulo
Country: Brazil
E-mail: asukapotter@uol.com.br

About me: Story about my self: Hm....what do I have to say...I have been an R.E.M. fan for almost 4 years now but I have never seen they playing live, I had the oportunity in the year of 2000 when they came to RIR3, but I was underage and my parents didn't allow me to go. Now with this new tour I am wondering to go to the concerts 'cause I LOVE this band so much!!!!!!! About my life, without mentioning R.E.M., I study languages at the University and I'm also an english teacher at language school. I love meeting people all over the world!

16. Alwin Spandaw
City: Utrecht
Country: Netherlands
E-mail: terraterra88@hotmail.com

About me: Hi, my name in Alwin. Currently I'm implementing the ISO-system at the compagny I that employs me, and provide my collegues with data-analysis. To keep (a bit) in shape I cycle and skate. I also visit my yoga-class twice a week (at least, I will start again as soon as my ribs are not bruised anymore). In summer (now) my greatest hobby is to sit at the terrace. I also write and assist (a bit) to publish a newletter about the amateur theater in the ciy of Utrecht, which is really nice to do. Favourite R.E.M. songs include 'She just wants to be', Ignoreland, and 'Live rich Pegeant' and more.. Other artist I like are Def P, PE, Reich, Joplin, Vai. -I know there's no logic in this listing ;) Favourite movie would be 'Straight Story' for it's been years that I've seen it, and I still feel nice when I think about it (could also be influented by my memory of that beautifull Swedish girl who was my date that night). Most watched movie must be 'Endgame'. Cheers!

17. Thomas Youngs
City: Preston
Country: North-West England
E-mail: iona109@hotmail.com

About me: Im 19, nearly 20 and at university at the mo so pretty short of cash but I was planning to travel round europe next summer and I cant think of a better way 2 do it and 2 meet people. And I will be studying in Spain for my degree that autumn 4 a year so i have 2 go over to europe anyway. Well, theres me...theres no promises cos I might just not have enough money but definately let me no any plans and hopefully i can work something out.

18. Elena Sighinolfi
City: Modena
Country: Italy
E-mail: elenasighinolfi@excite.it

About me: I have loved REM for almost eight years, and I've seen them live three times. This year, when the concerts finished I already missed them...so,when I found out your idea, I told myself this was one of the better projects I have heard of in a while. Though the tour and the project are not confirmed still, I hope to join the group!

19. Martyn Mulder
City: Tilburg
Country: Netherlands
E-mail: muldah@hotmail.com

About me: Born and raised in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, nowadays I'm a leisure-student in Tilburg. For my study I also lived in Sheffield, UK for some time. I'm 25 years old and besides music I like sports, traveling and going out. I've been an REM fan since Green. Unfortunately I only went to one gig at the european tour 2003, but next year I want to see a lot more!! Besides REM I like the music of Heather Nova, Coldplay and Counting Crows.

City: Herzelia
Country: Israel
E-mail: -

About me: I'm 17 years old, living in Israel. I've just finished highschool, what means I have about 7 and a half months of complete freedom (until the army service). I'm a fan of R.E.M. only since Reveal (yeah, I know it's sad..), some of my favorite songs are- I've Been High, Half Aworld Away and Falls To Climb. I was in their concert in Naples, probably my most wonderful night ever, can't wait to hear and see them performing live again.

21. Iris Brehovsky
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
E-mail: einewahnsinnige@gmx.at

About me: And now you want a little story. Hell, what to say? :) I'm 19 and a R.E.M. fan since I was 12. This year was the first time I've been on one of their concerts: in Vienna on 8th July. I don't know what has happened, but I just stood there, staring at Michael Stipe. I've somehow become one of these crazy R.E.M. fans :))) I immediately decided that I just had to join their concert in Wiesbaden, Germany, too and that's what I did. And it was even more fantastic than the one in Vienna. I'd have liked to go on another concert, but I'm somehow out of money :) I didn't even know that they're thinking about touring in Europe again next year and I'm feeling so excited now. So if they're touring next year, I'll surely be on at least one of their concerts! I can't even imagine being on 15!!!!!!!! So, if it comes to the tour and if it comes to happen that you get that "tour-following"-plan alive, I'd be very VERY thankful to be with you.

22. Alice
City: Estaires
Country: France
E-mail: buisine@oreka.com

About me: I'm student in economy and administration. I like cinema, reading, go to party and listening music (Eels, Morcheeba, An Pierlé, JSBX, Radiohead and many more). My favorite french band is Dionysos (rock that comes directly from an imaginary world). And my favorite band above all others is R.E.M. I.m fan for not so long but i.m listening them since 1991.

23. John Lappin
City: Southend-on-Sea
Country: England
E-mail: johnlappin@blueyonder.co.uk

About me: I suppose the best story I have is when I met REM before the show in Brixton. I asked Peter for Carnival of Sorts and during the encore they played it. Sorry for the lack of detail, I'm very tired at the moment.

24. Andrea Abelli
City: Borgo Val di Taro
Country: Italy
E-mail: doityourway@redwhitearmy.com

About me: I was born 19 yrs ago, R.E.M. addicted since I had been able to notice Micheal's beautiful flowers-pattern skirts. Favourite Bands: Pearl Jam, Our Lady Peace, Bob Dylan, The Boss, Kiss, Billy Bragg, Cold Play, RHCP, Guns N Roses... Favourite Song: The Great Beyond More Will Follow

25. Eric
City: Paris
Country: France
E-mail: eric.daubresse@wanadoo.fr

About me: I'm actually a cameraman and I would love shooting the meeting, the trip and all around that beautifull idea...it can be fun and very interesting i'm sure (a film as '101' Depeche mode..did you ever see it?)...This movie can be a part of an REM DVD tour or just a documentary for fans by the fans... The fact is that I have to find money to prepare this project and this will be difficult...but I don't need to stay with you for 30 days (too much tapes...), I have to stay just a few days and nights, in different parts of Europe...

26. Martin Diekmann
City: Lueneburg
Country: Germany
E-mail: diekmann.martin@t-online.de

About me: My name is Martin Diekmann, I am from Lueneburg which is in Northern Germany. I am an REM-fan for half my life since I bought Reckoning in 1984. I`m 35 now. I am a freelance journalist writing mostly about financials but I think I could make up a nice story about this event as well :-)

27. Silvia Pagliani
City: Modena
Country: Italy
E-mail: anais_asia@hotmail.com

About me: I love so much REM and I love Michael... If you will go to the tour with REM, CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will be with you...

28. A
City: A
Country: A
E-mail: @

About me:

29. Thomas Hageleit
City: Mainz
Country: Germany
E-mail: th_news1@arcor.de

About me: I'm 28 and work in the printing business (less the printing, more the creation of the things to be printed). I can't really find the words to say, why i like R.E.M. but the closest i can imagine would be: Their songs are so true.

30. Dominik Joller
City: Dallenwil
Country: Switzerland
E-mail: onlydj@hotmail.com

About me: I'm 20 years old and I find this a very good project. I saw REM this year the first time live at the PALEO Festival in Nyon Switzerland. And the concert was realy great. But the whole Festival was a great time, we stay all 6 days. My favourite songs from REM are "everybody hurts" and "this is the end of the world". But I listen also SKA and sometimes Punk, but the most I love sounds like REM. My other hobbys are in the Sommer Beachsoccer, Beachvolleyball and Longboarding, Biken, in the Winter Snowboarding and Carving. And with my friends to make partys and to take a chillout.

31. Torsten
City: -
Country: Germany

About me: The Story: The Story so far: I become a R.E.M.-Fan in 1990. I'm born an raised in the GDR. 1989 the Berlin Wall came down - my chance to take a look at R.E.M. ;-) I started with "Out of Time". Today I really love "Murmur", "Lifes rich pageant", "New Adventures ..." and "Automatic S". I've done the artwork for the Tour 2003. That's all folks, thank you very much!

32. Linda Eames
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
E-mail: jivansarita@aol.com

About me: What a great idea, a european tour! My name is Linda Eames, but I go under my nick name Sarita. I live in London, I'm 36 years old on October 4th and for my birthday present to myself I'm flying to New York to see REM at Jones Beach and at Madison Square Garden! I was lucky enough to see them this year at Brixton and at T-in the Park but it's never enough!!!! I've been a fan for around 20 years now, oh god now I feel old! I have had all sorts of jobs, from music industry, film, waitressing, volunteer work and now I run my own childcare business for pre school. I have been fortunate enough to travel quite widely either with my jobs or under my own steam. I spend a lot of time in India, this is where I got my name Sarita. I have found though as I have got older a lot of friends I used to go and see REM with just don't have the time or commitment to be able to come to as many shows as I would like to go to, this is why I think your idea of getting a bunch of like minded people together to go and see our favourite band is a wonderful idea. I really hope that this comes off and I would very much like to be part of it.

33. Jenny Sundberg
City: Vaxjo
Country: Sweden
E-mail: jennysund@hotmail.com

About me: Don't know what to write about myself, but I can do that later on, cant I?

34. Moon Kim
City: Seoul/Vienna
Country: South Korea / Austria
E-mail: jaz4you@gmx.net

About me: Occupation- finance manager, present major-finance, accounting and taxation. I am from Korea, have been living in Austria over a decade, obssessed to REM and running.

35. Seamus McDonnell
City: ?
Country: Ireland
E-mail: dowcha_boy@hotmail.com

About me: I must confess that i would be very intrested in taking part in this great idea and as long as i have the money ( i suppose would be the hard part) then i would love to come along as long as theres space left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you.

36. Florian Schaefer
City: Nuernberg
Country: Germany
E-mail: cfgw.schaefer@t-online.de

About me: A short story... well, my name ist Florian, I´m 26 years old and a R.E.M.-Fan since ... in fact I don´t know since when, but for a long time. I´m studying geography, history and german language at the university here in order to become a teacher. My final exams will take place in the following months and I´m going to work as a teacher from september 2004 onwards, so I desperately hope the Tour will be in summer!!!!! What else... my hobbies are collecting R.E.M.-Bootlegs and despite R.E.M. I like fishing, judo and backpacking around the world.

37. Elaine McPherson
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
E-mail: elaine.mcpherson@blueyonder.co.uk

About me: 1988: got copy of Green from a friend. I was hooked. (aged 16)
2003: Still hooked! (you work it out...)
Fave R.E.M album: Fables of the Reconstruction
Fave R.E.M song: So Central Rain

38. Dermot
City: Belfast
Country: Northern Ireland
E-mail: -

About me: I am an 18 year old student from Belfast and am very excited at the prospect of the 2004 tour. If everything goes to plan it would definitely be a lifelong memory. I've been a fan of R.E.M. for about 5 years now and finally got to see them play in Marlay Park Dublin (16/07/2003). I was in the front row and the experience was incredible, however it was almost too surreal and i couldnt take anything in so i promised myself i'd have to see them another few times in the future... what a perfect opportunity to do so and have fun with some fellow REM fans. My favourite songs are Bang and Blame and Country feedback, two songs which I didnt get to hear in Dublin. Roll on Europe 2004! Thank you, hope to see you all soon!

39. Joanna Zaleska
City: Warsaw
Country: Poland
E-mail: -

About me: Hi, my name is Asia and I'm a 22 year old student at the Univerity of Warsaw, majoring in linguistics. I've been an R.E.M. fan since 1996 but I've only seen them play live once, when they came to Warsaw this July. It was the greatest concert I have ever witnessed, with the guys sounding great, and everybody in the audience dancing and singing along throughout the entire show. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to go to other concerts and I was pretty upset when I realized that the best evening of my life was already a thing of the past. So, when I (accidentally) found out about Kirsten's plan I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to be part of it. I'm so thrilled by the idea of spending a month with other R.E.M. fans touring Europe and seeing the band that I can't find words to express it! I hope that the plan is going to work out and that I'm going to see you all next year!!!

40. Chris McNally
City: Canberra
Country: Australia
E-mail: mcnally_chris@yahoo.com

About me: I am 23 years old, and have been a huge REM fan forever, but have only seen them (briefly) once, when they did an interview in Sydney and peformed 2 songs. Sure, I drove over 3 hours to get there, and sat around in the blazing sun for about 8 hours just to hear them speak (and perform The Lifting and Losing my Religion) but it was definitely worth it! If there is anyone out there that is willing to put together a Pilgrammage around Aus when they get here, I'll definitely help out wherever I can!

41. Wim van Overmeire
City: Melle
Country: Belgium
E-mail: swell_doll@yahoo.com

About me: I'm 22 years old and i'm studying to be a biological engineer. Apart from listening to REM i spend my time reading and playing with my cat. I've seen REM 4 times already: Torhout 95, Werchter 99, Werchter 2003 and Carhaix 2003. My fav REM song is it's the end of the world as we know it and my fav album is new adventures. Other bands i like are U2, Third eye blind, Hooverphonic and Ocean Colour Scene. If my exam schedule would allow me then i'd love to join in this crazy adventure. :D

42. Christine Klopfenstein
City: Berne
Country: Switzerland
E-mail: ck_beo@bluemail.ch

About me: My name?s Christine and I?m from Switzerland. I haven?t seen R.E.M. in Nyon, but in Locarno. It was the very first time for me to see a concert of them and it was so amazing... Now I?ve read on your page about them coming next year over to Europe again. Do you know already some details? I?m so curios... Thank you very much for your great site and the fotos.

43. David Dunne
City: Wigan
Country: United Kingdom
E-mail: FerrariChamps@aol.com

About me: What a totally fantastic idea! My name is David Dunne, I'm 29 and from Wigan in the UK. I've been a fan of REM since around 1989 when I bought 'Eponymous' but have only seen them once, in Manchester this summer and since then I've become obsessed! I was planning to go to Athens next year to seek out their history but this sounds like a much better idea. My favourite songs are Find The River, These Days, Strange Currencies, Rockville, Sidewinder.....I could go on forever! Hopefully see you all next year!

44. Mark Antani
City: Los Angeles
Country: USA
E-mail: msantanius@yahoo.com

About me: My name is Mark Antani; I live in Los Angeles, California; my email is listed above; and I've been an REM fan since the age of 9. The first time I was exposed to them was when I was in the back seat of my parents' car driving down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. My brother kept insisting that I listen to this band that I'd never heard of. Finally I caved in and as I listened to my first REM song (Begin the Begin), I immediately became entranced by his words and his passion for music. Stipe is a genuis and I just saw them in L.A. and left tremendously inspired. I have always had faith in these guys (whereas most everybody else turned to pop culture while they barfed up remnants of Brittany Spears junk). It's too bad.

45. Efi Panagopoulou
City: Athens
Country: Greece
E-mail: efi_pan2003@yahoo.gr

About me: I'm very excited with the idea of seeing R.E.M. again. My name is Efi, I'm from Greece and this summer I travelled to Italy (Ancona 23/7) just to see them! I'm a great fan of the band since 1997 and I like the albums from Document to New adventures in Hi Fi but my favourite one is Automatic for the people.

46. Anastasia Melekou
City: Athens
Country: Greece
E-mail: weremoose@pathfinder.gr

About me: Hallo! I can't really say i'm a fan of the band for years. I knew some of their most popular songs, but this summer I started listening their songs. I've seen the band in Italy and I was thrilled. Amazing performance! So when I saw this site and this idea of following them I thought that it would be a great experience to live. Thanks for sharing this idea with everybody and thanks for organizing it!

47. Joseph Swanson
City: Pittsburgh
Country: USA
E-mail: lemonpictures@hotmail.com

About me: Hello. I'm a film student here in the USA. I've been an R.E.M. fan since before I can remember. I've seen the band seven times (once in 1995, 4 times in 1999, twice in 2003) and it seems like every tour just gets better and better. I would love to see some European shows. European audiences are so much more enthusiastic than most American ones, and I can't wait to be a part of that energy. Count me in.

48. Frances Parr
City: Nice
Country: France
E-mail: frances.parr@wanadoo.fr

About me: I have been a fan of REM for about five years, I'm 22 years old. I'm in my third year at University, but am currently on work placement in France. This year I have seen REM twice. I have just come home from seeing REM in New York (which was a late present from my dad (10 day before the concert). I was meant to be quite far back from the stage, and then two lads managed to get me moved to the front (I was four rows from the front). As I was the only one who dared to stand on the chair to take photos, Michael stopped when he saw me and let me take a photo! I have also seen them over the summer in Vienne, France. Something changed after I saw them live, I went from being a fan, to something of a mega fan ;-))) Favourite songs have to include 'You are the Everything' from Green (sentimental value from an Ex), So, Central Rain, Find the River, Country Feedback and I've Been High. Mike Mills was excellent when he sang 'Don't Go Back to Rockville" in NYC!

49. Johanna Eckhardt
City: Mattersburg
Country: Austria
E-mail: johanna@mails.at

About me: My short story: I m studying spanish at the moment on the university of Vienna because I have spent a year in BARCELONA before. I liked it a lot and now Im speaking spanish quite well - thats another reasons why Im very interested in this tour because I heared that also a few spanish people are joining the trip....:-) I love travelling a lot and getting to know people from all over the world. My second interest is art. Id like to start to study arts one day and Im painting and photographing and filming a lot in my sparetime - and I think Im quite good in it :-)

What can I say more? At least my friends say that Im a symphatic person and they get along with me quite well :-) No, seriously: Normally I get along with everyone quite well - I think that would be important on the tour, dont you?

50. Karen Bell
City: Glasgow
Country: Scotland
E-mail: bellie72@blueyonder.co.uk

About me: Hi my name is Karen, I'm 33 and I've been a huge fan of REM for as long as I can remember. I've seen them 3 times, first Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh (amazing!) & The Cranberries were excellent too!, next at Milton Keynes Bowel, working in the beer tent and then escaped to the front of the crowd when REM came on, and lastly at Stirling Castle. I just missed them September there when I was across in Canada which was a bit of bad luck. There performance on Later with Jools Holland was fantastic and 'At my most beautiful' was a favourite from that! Other bands I like are the Chilli's, Led Zepplin, Lynard Skynard, Stereophonics, Springsteen and lots more rock! I work full-time but also a part-time 'mature' student in my final year at University.

51. other names will be added soon, still need to receive their information
City: R
Country: N
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About me: Hi,

52. other names will be added soon, still need to receive their information
City: R
Country: N
E-mail: @

About me: Hi,