
Hi all,

this autumn we saw the release of the 'Best Of' album. After that REM will finish the new record, and somewhere in 2004 or 2005 a new tour will follow.

I know a lot of people, including me, are really sad about seeing REM just once or twice in a tour. Some people pay 350 EUR for just a flight ticket, then 40 EUR for a concert ticket, and sometimes another 40 EUR for a room, just to see REM once. So this made me think, and I came up with a pretty good idea I guess...

What if... we would follow REM in their next tour (which is in summer/autumn 2004!) for a month? For 3 or 4 weeks we will travel after REM in a touringcar, go to every concert (that will be about 15 to 20 of them) and sleep at campings (unless you prefer a hotel). I asked at at touringcar company what this would cost... and here's what I found:

20 concert tickets is about 40 EUR each = 800 EUR
30 nights at a camping, about 5 EUR each = 150 EUR
30 days of travel (to concerts, to camping and back, etc) = 300 EUR

Which makes a total of 1250 EUR of a one month vacation including travel, concert tickets and camping... If we go only 3 weeks it will be around 900 EUR.
You will only need to buy food.

Of course this plan isn't 100% definite yet, since we haven't even seen the new tour announced, but I am seriously considering, and I already layed out the plans to some REM fans on a Dutch forum, on #general_rem on murmurs.com and in some other chats and stuff, and also I gave this information to many fans on some of the R.E.M. concerts of the 2003 tour in Europe.

If you are interested in this plan, please e-mail me:

- Your first and last name
- City
- Country
- Your e-mail address
- A story about yourself
- A photo of yourself (if you have one)

at rem@ipimuu.org so I can put you on a maillist that will feature information on this plan. All this information will be made available on this site as well.
People from all over the world are welcome. Please do realise that we will probably take off this campaign in the Netherlands, so if you want to come, you'll have to move your ass to Holland for the day of leave :)

If you have any questions: go ahead and ask!
